Is It Dark In Here is a comedy podcast/sketch show that shines a humorous light on humanity’s darkest moments. It is produced by Nolan Ross, features theme music by Buttress and stars James Hoenscheidt, Kristofer Royer and Nolan Ross, who affectionately refer to themselves as “your three-piece orchestra still playing as the Titanic sinks”.
Is It Dark In Here started as a stand-up comedy show that took place in Nolan’s living room, where comics would regale audiences with their best gallows humor. Now it has been transformed into a mind-bending, genre-defying mix of audio sketches, parody commercials and old-timey radio plays connected by dialogue that ranges from insightful to outrageous.
This podcast is not about providing answers, but is an experiment in challenging your thought process by asking provocative questions, such as: Should there be real-time fact checkers during eulogies? What if you could buy Mad Libs suicide notes? And how would Americans cope with our next tragedy if we suddenly ran out of thoughts and prayers?
Find out what listeners in over 40 countries are raving about. Download each 20 minute episode today on your favorite podcast platform.
Wanna support the show and be wicked stylish at the same time? Buy your official Is It Dark In Here merch today!